Sunday, January 9, 2011

Day 9 - Be Still

One of the most important lessons that God is teaching me about climbing mountains is to "be still". This sounds counterproductive since there are always so many things to do. I'm a wife, mom, and teacher plus I now have the demands of preparing to climb!  But I was reminded today at church where my focus really needs to be. The sermon today was about sisters Mary and Martha and is found in Luke 10:38-42. Jesus was visiting in their home. While Mary sat at the feet of Jesus listening to what he said, Martha was distracted with all the preparations that had to be made. Martha became upset because Mary was not helping her but Jesus told her that Mary had chosen what is better. She was enjoying being in the presence of Jesus, an opportunity that Martha was missing!  Did Martha love Jesus?  Absolutely. But she was so busy doing things for Jesus that she was missing the joy of being with Jesus. I truly believe that God has opened the door for me to climb Kilimanjaro and quite honestly I, like Martha, find it easy to be distracted by the preparations.for this trip and by the busyness of life. God suddenly slips to the bottom of my to do list. So I want to be intentional about taking time each morning to "be still,"  before God  because I want to experience the joy of  His presence, and to hear His voice. The strength that He provides will help me climb any mountain I face!

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